The National Party has taken cronyism to new heights with the appointment of a former NSW party leader as Interim Inspector-General of Water Compliance. [1]
“They’re not even pretending anymore,” Nature Conservation Council Chief Executive Chris Gambian said.
“Troy Grant was in charge when some of the worst policy decisions that favour big irrigators at the expense of communities, farmers and nature downstream.
“Fresh from stinging criticism from ICAC about water management in NSW, the federal government has appointed the fox to be in charge of the hen house.
“The NSW Nationals have had a hyper-partisan role in water politics, their finger in every instance of water mismanagement and have been attacking other states. This is an entirely inappropriate appointment.
“Downstream communities will suffer the consequences of their mismanagement for decades to come.
“The public can have no faith that Mr Troy will be an independent, impartial and fearless watchdog when he is so compromised by his close ties to the dodgy past decisions.
“This appointment was an opportunity to restore some confidence in the governance of our precious inland water supplies.
“This hyper-partisan appointment confirms the worst fears of many - that water policy in NSW is still captured by the industry and their political mates.”
[1] Former deputy premier to head revamped Murray-Darling compliance role, ABC, 16-12-20