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Suggested wording for your Will

It’s important to seek advice from a legal professional to ensure your wishes are recorded in a legally binding way. However, we suggest starting with the suggested wording to guide these professionals.  

“I [ insert name] devise and bequeath to the Nature Conservation Council of NSW Inc (ABN: 96 716 360 601), free of all taxes and other deductions [***] to be used for the general purposes of the council, and the receipt of the secretary or other authorised officer of the said council shall be sufficient discharge to my Executor(s)." 

*** insert one of the following: 

  • Option A: all (or __%) of my estate 
  • Option B: all (or __%) of my residuary estate 
  • Option C: The sum of $ __  

You may also need to provide our full business details: 

Nature Conservation Council of NSW Inc 
ABN: 96 716 360 601 
PO Box K134 Haymarket NSW 1240 
Phone: (02) 9516 1488 
