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Forests & Koalas

The Nature Conservation Council of NSW works to protect native forests and the animals and plants that live in them.

NSW’s native forests are being destroyed – cut down and pulped for wood chips and cardboard. Once common animals like the koala, greater glider and swift parrot will go extinct within our lifetime unless we act now. 

Industrial logging is driving this destruction, all at taxpayers' expense. 

It's time to end native forest logging, stop extinction, and ensure our forests are brimming with life.


Stop logging the Great Koala National Park

The Minns Government was elected promising to create the Great Koala National Park (GKNP). The park was decades in the making, with leading scientists, ecologists, and environmental groups all agreeing that the protection of this area was critical to ensure the survival of koalas in the wild. 

Over the past year, Forestry Corporation has decimated the forests of the proposed Great Koala National Park. Now, new analysis shows that Forestry Corporation's harvest plan lists 19,000 hectares of forest within the proposed Great Koala National Park as at risk from logging in the coming year.

If logging continues, we risk a park made up of cleared forests that are ecologically unviable as a sanctuary for koalas, fast-tracking their extinction in the wild.


Stop Redbank Power Station

Verdant Earth is at it again - seeking to burn our forests to produce electricity.

Last year, after a mammoth community effort, we were able to stop them sourcing timber from our state forests. Now they are trying to use forests and bush from private land. 

This would cause large-scale habitat loss and devastate our already at-risk ecosystems.

It would also be terrible for the climate. Burning green wood chips emits 50% more CO2 per megawatt hour of energy produced than coal, while undermining investment in genuinely clean energy. 


Worth More Standing - End Native Forest Logging

Our native forests are worth more standing. Native forests provide important habitat to many species and are there for the enjoyment of many different activities.  With many of our forests heavily impacted by severe bushfires, we need to protect as much native forest as we can.  Our native forests continue to be logged, with some being wood-chipped and exported to make toilet paper and cardboard.  Native forests only make up 9% of NSW timber and are subsidised by plantation.  

It's clear that native forests are worth more standing and NSW should end the native forest logging now. 


Breach Watch - Citizen Science

Breach Watch is a program where ordinary citizens can help protect native forests by monitoring and reporting logging breaches. We measure tree diameters and heights, look for hollows that have been destroyed by logging, ensure habitat, nectar and giant trees are not destroyed by the chainsaws. This important work has stopped loggers in their tracks and protect native forests.

Check out the Breach Watch website and join in.