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Picnic for Nature 2023

On Saturday 21st October, communities all across NSW hosted simultaneous Picnics in support of nature and community. There are still a few coming up on different dates - check out the map below! 

Last year we had over 1,000 people at 40 picnics across NSW! As well as being fun, the Picnic is a chance to bring nature lovers together to connect over the natural beauty and biodiversity of your local area. 

Each Picnic is hosted and designed by local groups and networks, so is unique to the area and have different activities planned. Be sure to bring your family and friends! 

Scroll down for our interactive map to find and RSVP to your local Picnic! There are some still to occur, that chose to host at a later date.

We've created some support documents to support in the planning of your picnic: 

If you have some time and you'd like to help NCC make this event as great and big as possible - get in touch about volunteering with NCC here.

There are currently no upcoming picnics.