The NSW Conservation Council calls on all upper house members to vote today to disallow Water Minister Melinda Pavey’s floodplain harvesting regulation.
“The Parliament has a chance today to act as an effective check-and-balance”.
“This was a reprehensible deal by the Nationals to let irrigators intercept unlimited amounts of water for free.
Melinda Pavey’s “Exemptions for Floodplain Harvesting” Regulation was issued on February 7th, 2020, and granted an exemption from the Water Management Act, allowing irrigators who had built illegal channels and levees to intercept and store water for free, before it reaches rivers.[1]
Independent MLC Justin Field today introduced a motion to disallow the floodplain harvesting regulation, which Parliament is likely to vote on this evening.
“First the Nationals over-allocated river water, which stopped the Darling from flowing. Now they’re giving away water before it can even reach the river.
“Allowing floodplain harvesting is one the greatest transfers of natural resources into private hands in the history of Australia.”
“Floodplain harvesting is killing our rivers. It needs to be reined in, not given a blanket exemption.
“Giving more free water to cotton irrigators is a recipe for more fish kills and widespread blue-green algae.
[1] Water Management (General) Amendment (Exemptions for Floodplain Harvesting) Regulation 2020, issued February 7th, 2020.