Media Releases
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Anna Greer (02) 7208 9482 [email protected]
Budget handouts for coal baron undermine climate goals
October 07, 2020
The Federal Government has included an undisclosed sum in the 2020-21 budget to help coal baron and Coalition donor Trevor St Baker maintain the Vales Point coal-fired power station. [1] “Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s $213 billion dollar deficit this year pales in comparison to...
Read MoreListen to experts, not politicians, on bushfire risk management
October 06, 2020
Weakening the 10/50 Vegetation Clearing Code will not reduce bushfire risk in extreme conditions but it will push threatened species close to the brink, according to Nature Conservation Council CEO Chris Gambian. “Cabinet is reportedly considering a proposal today to more than double the...
Read MoreGas-giant Santos gets green light to desecrate the Pilliga forest
September 30, 2020
The Nature Conservation Council of NSW (NCC) says that the Independent Planning Commission’s (IPC) approval of Santos’ Narrabri gas project is a blow to nature in the state. “Santos now has the green light to desecrate the Pilliga forest – turning it into an...
Read MoreReckless Forestry Corporation Needs Review
September 24, 2020
NSW Nature Conservation Council is calling for an immediate review of NSW Forestry Corporation, following a reckless plan to resume “business as usual” logging across the state. “Just seven months after Black Summer, NSW Forestry Corporation wants to pretend the fires never happened,” said...
Read MoreOnly Coalition hides from Murray-Darling water transparency bill
September 24, 2020
The NSW Parliament narrowly rejected a water transparency bill today, with all parties other than the government voting for the bill, introduced by the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party. The bill proposed to force all members of parliament to disclose water licences, and also...
Read MoreNSW Parliament has chance to disallow government sponsored water theft
September 22, 2020
The NSW Conservation Council calls on all upper house members to vote today to disallow Water Minister Melinda Pavey’s floodplain harvesting regulation. “The Parliament has a chance today to act as an effective check-and-balance”. “This was a reprehensible deal by the Nationals to let...
Read MorePrime Minister Morrison abandons his own “technology neutral” principles to fuel fossil obsession
September 15, 2020
Responding to Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s plans to spend $50m on gas supply and plan a gas power station in the Hunter Valley, Nature Conservation Council Chief Executive Chris Gambian said: “The Prime Minister has thrown his own “technology neutral” energy policy out the...
Read MoreNationals departure from government good for nature
September 10, 2020
The Liberal Party must not bow to National Party bullying and retain and strengthen environmental protections for the state's threatened koala populations. “Wanting to retain the right to kill koalas is an extraordinary hill for the Nationals to want to die on, but here...
Read MoreGovernment should pay for koala surveys and plans of management
September 09, 2020
The Nature Conservation Council calls on the NSW Government to reimburse small landholders the cost of pre-development koala surveys and to fund local councils to formulate koala plans of management. “We all want to save koalas from extinction so it makes sense for the...
Read MoreMorrison Coalition Government kills the Murray-Darling Basin Plan
September 04, 2020
The Federal Government’s decision to ban water buy-backs from willing sellers in the Murray Darling Basin ensures the Basin Plan’s 2024 environmental targets will not be met. “Federal Water Minister Keith Pitt’s announcement today is the death knell of the Basin Plan,” Nature Conservation...
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