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Pages tagged "event"

Ben Lomond Landcare and Guyra Landcare Network - Picnic for Nature

Hosted by: Ben Lomond Landcare and Guyra Landcare Network

All welcome! BYO food and drink (and something to sit on), and enjoy the day with friends, family, and the local community. 

We look forward to seeing you

Please note that your RSVP information will be shared with co-host organisations.


October 20, 2024 at 12:00pm
Little Llangothlin Lagoon Nature Reserve
Tubbamurra, NSW 2360
Google map and directions

Lithgow - Picnic for Nature

Hosted by:  Lithgow Environment Group (LEG)

Please join us for a Picnic for Nature. Bring your plate, fluids, sunscreen, hat and appropriate wear appropriate weather gear and share the nature picnic with a view. Check weather conditions. Closest toilets are at Coles Plaza Shopping Centre

Please note that your RSVP information will be shared with co-host organisations.

Photo courtesy of Deviant Productions


October 20, 2024 at 10:30am
Hassans Walls Reserve Lookout
Hassans Walls Road
Lithgow, NSW 2790
Google map and directions

Orange - Picnic for Nature

Hosted by:  ECCO (Environmentally Concerned Citizens of Orange), with Orange Field Naturalist and Conservation SocietyCanobolas Conservation Alliance 

All welcome! BYO food and drink (and something to sit on), and enjoy the day with friends, family, and the local community. You will have a chance to learn from local environment groups what they do to protect nature.

Please note that your RSVP information will be shared with co-host organisations.


October 20, 2024 at 12:00pm
Gosling Creek Orange
Gosling Creek Orange
Orange, NSW 2800
Google map and directions

YILA Healing Trail - Picnic for Nature

Hosted by: Yila Healing Trail

Join us for the Grand Finale of the Yila Healing Trail– A Picnic for Nature

We started in Nowra and we finish off on the grass of Ulladulla Civic Centre in the sunshine having spanned the Shoalhaven.

With strong involvement from many schools in this area, we have gifted clapsticks beautifully fashioned by Michael Robinson from Doolagartefacts and Gumaraa to over 500 students with Uncle Paul, Joe and Ronald McLeod teaching the Traditional song Yila to all students. They will all join us to clap in healing on this beautiful day.

We invite you to bring a picnic rug and delicious food and drink to fill your belly and be down here with us for a nourishing event to accentuate our reconnection to nature and the strong role our young people will play in bringing this about

Kicking off with a Welcome to Country by Uncle Phil Butler, Yuin man and Aboriginal Education officer at St Marys School in Milton, Carolyn Loton will then welcome you to this chapter of Picnic for Nature, an annual NSW wide event happening over this weekend. She will acknowledge our young people's role in heralding in a nature-centric world.

We will welcome to the stage the team from University of Canberra who have worked tirelessly, to bring us back to a regaining of respect for Country as Teacher.

Shoalhaven Community Preschool, Sussex Inlet School, St Mary's School and Ulladulla High School will take the stage to be the Voices of Country.

We will then finish up before moving into the 'picnic' part of the day with our Grand finale Clapstick Orchestra singing 'Yila'.

We then invite you to visit the Nature Champions onsite as part of this closing ceremony who have much to share with you!

Please come along and join us, you are all invited

October 20, 2024 at 11:00am
Ulladulla Civic Centre lawn
81B Princes Hwy
Ulladulla, NSW 2539
Google map and directions

Parramatta - Picnic for Nature

Hosted by:  Parramatta Climate Action Network (ParraCAN)

All welcome! BYO food and drink (and something to sit on), and enjoy the day with friends, family, and the local community. There will be some fun activities, and you'll have the opportunity to engage with your local environmental groups and learn about what they do to protect nature.

Please note that your RSVP information will be shared with co-host organisations.



October 20, 2024 at 12:00pm
Caber Park
22 Clackmannan Rd
Winston Hills, NSW 2153
Google map and directions

Dubbo - Picnic for Nature

Hosted by:  Healthy Rivers Dubbo 

All welcome! BYO food and drink (and something to sit on), and enjoy the day with friends, family, and the local community.

There will be some fun activities for all the family including:

  • pin the tail on the platypus
  • make a collage, or draw a picture and wear it to the picnic
  • tell us about your favourite river and take part in a quiz for nature

You'll have the opportunity to engage with your local environmental groups and learn about what they do to protect nature.

If there is inclement weather on the Saturday, we will host on the Sunday instead.

Please note that your RSVP information will be shared with co-host organisations.


October 19, 2024 at 11:00am
Regand Park by the Macquarie River
Regand Park
349 Macquarie Street
Dubbo, NSW 2875
Google map and directions

Landcare Broken Hill - Picnic for Nature

Hosted by: Landcare Broken Hill 

Broken Hill Community Credit Union (BHCCU) and Rotary Club of Broken Hill will fire up a BBQ for the Picnic in Nature event, so feel free to BYO something to throw on it...

There's always plenty of watering and weeding going on around the nature park, so feel free to join volunteers and dig in on the day!

Dogs on leads are welcome.

We look forward to seeing you and marvelling at the natural beauty of the Imperial Lakes Nature Park.

Please see the LBH Facebook page and LBH website for more information about Landcare Broken Hill.


October 19, 2024 at 11:00am
Imperial Lakes Nature Park, Broken Hill
19276 Barrier Hwy
Broken Hill, NSW 2880
Google map and directions

Sounds of Sustainability - Picnic for Nature - Jazz up my Valentine

Hosted by: Valentine Area - Sustainable Neighbourhood


Groovy music by Chloe Parker, Tai Chi and dance performances, Sustainability stalls and information and even a sausage sizzle!

Please come and join us - meet your neighbours, have some fun, join us for a picnic with the entertainment supplied.

BYO chairs and rugs.

Support our Village shops or BYO snacks and don't forget to take your waste home.

An event by the Valentine Area Sustainable Neighbourhood Group.

Thanks to our volunteer team: Gayle, Baz, John, Lynne, Jen, Rob, Anna and Lindy. This event is made possible thanks to support from local businesses.


October 20, 2024 at 11:00am
Allambee Park, Valentine
Allambee Place Valentine
Valentine, NSW 2880
Google map and directions

Picnic for Nature 2024

Let's have a picnic!

Picnic for Nature is back on the 19/20 October 2024.

Last year we had over 1,000 people at almost 50 simultaneous picnics across NSW! As well as being fun, the Picnic is a chance to bring nature lovers together to connect over the natural beauty and biodiversity of your local area, that nature is precious and needs protecting. 

This year the Picnic for Nature will be held over the weekend, allowing you and your group to pick the time, date and activity that works best for you. Each Picnic is hosted and designed by local groups and networks, so is unique to the area and have different activities planned. It can be simple – BYO rugs and snacks, or include activities like tree planting, bush walks, nature games, celebrating a significant milestone for your group, the possibilities are endless. You can also link up with other local groups to host it together.

This statewide Picnic for Nature gives local groups the excuse they need to get outdoors to reconnect with nature and each other, to grow the movement, to protect nature and act on climate change. The NCC can help to promote your picnic and provide you with some resources (see below) that can assist you to organise and promote your local picnic.

Please fill in the details here to register your interest for 2024 and we will be in touch. We are hoping that those of you who hosted last year will host again and we look forward to welcoming first timers.

We've created some resources to support in the planning of your picnic: 

  • Click here to download the Picnic for Nature Host Guide 
  • Click here to download the Planning Checklist Template 
  • Click here to view the Digital Toolkit for promotion design templates
  • Click here to view our training on How to use Canva 

Be sure to bring your family and friends! 

If you have some time and you'd like to help NCC make this event as great and big as possible - get in touch about volunteering with NCC here.

See all events

Regional Conferences at a glance

The NCC holds an annual Regional Conference which shines a spotlight on a different region in NSW each year, empowering member groups, supporters and local communities by providing a platform to highlight the issues facing nature before a state-wide audience. In 2023 Albury hosted the Regional Conference (photo above).

In June 2024 the NCC partnered with a range of regional environmental groups in the Hunter Central Coast to present the annual 2024 Regional Conference in Newcastle

Expressions of interest are now open for the 2025 Regional Conference. The Regional Conference allows the host location and group to showcase their local area and spotlight their local issues to the state-wide attention of the Nature Conservation Council network and the environment movement more broadly. The NCC team will work with your groups to organise the conference together - together deciding on the conference theme, program, location, and more. We will take care of the budget, ticketing, and promotion. Please register your interest in potentially hosting the conference and we will be in touch.

Regional Conferences have been held across the state since 2001 (the first one was in Newcastle and we are delighted it is returning in 2024). Below is a snapshot of conferences held since 2010. Each year there is a different theme and a field trip is organised to get out into the region the following day.

Year Location Member group/s Theme

Newcastle - Glenrock Scout Camp

  • Hunter Community Environment Centre (HCEC)
  • Hunter Jobs Alliance (HJA) 
  • Community Environment Network (CEN), Central Coast
  • Hunter Environment Lobby 
  • Rising Tide 
  • Climate Action Newcastle (CAN) 
  • Hunter Renewal n
  • National Parks Australia (NPA), Hunter Branch + Friends of Tomaree NP
  • Coal-Ash Community Alliance Inc (CCA)
  • EcoNetwork Port Stephens 

"Hunter and Central Coast at the coalface of transition, biodiversity in the balance" and the aims:

  • Explore what is meant by the Hunter Central Coast being at the 'coalface of transition'. 
  • Work together for a future where the environment, nature and climate are at the core of future planning, where renewables are done ‘right’ 
  • Facilitate information sharing, skill development and collaborative planning to influence community practices, influence government and effect change. 
  • Share and celebrate nature in the Hunter Central Coast and the wins that have been made.
  • Showcase local nature, climate and sustainability action and “out of the box” thinking.
  • Provide opportunities for connection between organisations, groups, and conference attendees and strengthen working relationships and create strong alliances.  

Field trip - Glenrock Conservation area and tree planting, viewing of the world's largest coal port, Hunter Wetlands Centre and Hexham Swamp Reserve


Albury –  

Charles Sturt University sustainability campus 

Thurgoona Community Action Group and Albury branch National Parks NSW 

“Connections, Communities, and Change” showcasing the work of experts in their fields and the initiatives of communities, businesses and organisations in the Albury Wodonga area, to realise a sustainable future in harmony with nature across rural and urban settings. 

Field trip - Wonga Wetlands, CSU’s Aquatic Research Facility, Kerr Sustainability Centre, Halve Waste Program 


Armidale -  

Echidna Gully 

Sustainable Living Armidale, Climate Action Armidale, and the Armidale Branch of the National Parks Association of NSW. 

Nature, Climate Change and Renewables and will explore the challenges of how we can protect nature, minimise the impacts of climate change, and transition to renewable energy. A number of renewable energy projects proposed around Armidale and across NSW are posing some significant risks to nature, including the clearing of habitat for new transmission lines. 

Field trip - Metz Solar Farm, Gara travelling stock reserve, Aboriginal Cultural Centre, Armidale Tree Group Nursery 

2021 Batemans Bay – Community Centre  Coastwatchers, South East Region Conservation Alliance (SERCA) and South Coast Health and Sustainability Alliance (SHASA) in Bateman's Bay 

The fires changed everything: Campaigning to protect nature 

A day exploring the issues nature faces on the South Coast, particularly after the bushfires. Included a rally to Save the Swift Parrots at the Forestry Corporation office. 

Field trip - Mogo State Forest 

2020 Online/Central West  Central West Environment Council  Water in Western NSW 
2019 Lismore – Lismore Showgrounds  Friends of the Koala 

Species extinction in a climate crisis. 

Field trip – Friends of the Koala hospital, Protester’s Falls in Nightcap National Park 

2018 Queanbeyan - Jerrabomberra Community Centre  Climate Action Monaro 

Climate change and clean energy opportunities, forests 

Field trip - Kambah Pools bush walk and Mugga Lane Solar farm tour 

2017 Lithgow – Uniting Church  Lithgow Environment Group 

Transitioning our energy system, World Environment Day 

Field trip - Angus Place colliery, Long Swamp and Wolgan Valley

2016 Central West, Dubbo/Orange – Dubbo RSL  Local environment groups 

What’s at stake for nature in the Central West? 

Film screening by the Wilderness Society ‘Biodiversity Conservation Act’ and Q&A 

2015 Bellingen – Bellingen Showground  Bellingen Environment Centre 

Field Trip – 2 options. Canoeing on the Bellingen River or Inspection of clear felled plantation and a walk in Compartment 26/27 which is part of The Great Koala Park 

2014 Bermagui – Bermagui Country Club  South East Region Conservation Alliance Inc (SERCA) 

Marine and Coastal Conservation, Defending land, water and wildlife from mining and gas, Forests and Wildlife 

2013 Bathurst - Rahamim Ecological Learning Community  Central West Environment Council 

Explore key conservation challenges and opportunities for the Central West. 

Field trip - looking at the historic roads and original landscape features of the Bathurst area 

2012 Coffs Harbour - Cavanbah Centre  North Coast Environment Council 

Turning the tide: Inspiring stories of community resistance to mining and coal seam gas expansion 

Field trip – Pine Creek State Forest and Orara Valley 

2011 Batemans Bay – Bay Waters   The Coastwatchers Association 

Renewal and Growth of Environmental Advocacy in NSW 

Field Trip - Surf Beach Industrial Site and the Wharf Road Development 

2010 Gulgong - Red Hill Environmental Education Centre  Central West Environment Council 

Biodiversity and mining impacts 

Field Trip - The Drip Gorge on Goulburn River