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NSW energy superpower plan is a bold and crucial step for climate, jobs and power prices.

The Nature Conservation Council welcomes today’s NSW Government Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap as a crucial step towards making NSW a low-carbon economy.

 “This plan is a step-change in ambition on clean energy,” said NCC Chief Executive Chris Gambian..

“It represents serious action on climate change in a way that will also create jobs and bring down power prices.

The NSW Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap announced today will accelerate the construction of transmission lines to regional NSW and support the development of new solar, wind and pumped-hydro projects. 

It will ensure about 60 wind and solar farms are built over the next 10 years, create 9,000 jobs,  stimulatE $32 billion in private investment, and prevent the emission of 90 million tonnes.

“Everyone in NSW has skin in this game,” Mr Gambian said. “Last bushfire season proved yet again we are on the front line of climate change impacts and scientists have warned that if we don’t immediately cut climate pollution fire seasons will get much worse.

“The plan will see about 60 new solar and wind farms start generating across the state, more than quadrupling clean energy generation.

“Global heating is a massive global crisis. This plan demonstrates that we can find pathways through this crisis that help modernise and strengthen our economy.

“While the Morrison government is absent on climate action, thank goodness their Coalition colleagues in NSW are willing to step up to the challenge of cutting climate pollution while growing the economy.”

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Calls for River Connectivity Rules as Fish Kill Fears Grow

December 19, 2024

MEDIA RELEASE19th December 2024  The Nature Conservation Council of New South Wales (NCC), the state’s leading environmental advocacy organisation, is calling on the NSW Government to urgently implement reforms that would return critical water flows to the ailing Darling/Baaka River.   Indications are that...

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